Tomato – Discuss about its physical desciption and benefits

About Tomato

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an edible fruit that grows on vines. It contains many nutrients, including an antioxidant called lycopene. The lycopene in tomatoes is thought to play a role in preventing cancer.

It is easier for the body to use lycopene from tomato products, such as tomato pasta or tomato juice, than from fresh tomatoes. People use tomatoes to prevent cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, and many other diseases, but there is no strong scientific evidence to support these uses.

Physical description

Tomato plants are usually very branched, spreading 60–180 cm (24–72 in) and tend to bear fruit, but a few species are compact and upright. The leaves are hairy or longer, stiff, pinnate, and up to 45 cm (18 inches) long. Flowers with five petals are yellow, 2 cm (0.8 inches) in diameter, extending in clusters.

The fruit is a fruit from 1.5 to 7.5 cm (0.6 to 3 in) in diameter or more. They are red, red or yellow, although there are green and yellow varieties, and their shape varies from almost round to oval and elongated to spear-shaped. Each seed contains at least two cells surrounded by a gelatinous pulp.

The plant needs a warm climate and lots of sun; It is mainly grown in hot greenhouses and cold climates. Tomatoes are often planted on trees, tied, or wrapped to keep the branches and fruit off the ground, and regular watering is required to prevent rotting in the fruit.

Plants are susceptible to many pests and diseases including bacteria, Alternaria, mosaic virus, Fusarium wilt, nematodes and tomato hornworms. Many of these problems can be controlled by rotating crops, using fungicides and pesticides, and planting resistant varieties. Small currant tomato (S. pimpinellifolium) is a closely related species and has been used by breeders to make many tomato varieties resistant to disease.

When planting tomatoes


Tomatoes are long-term, heat-loving plants that cannot tolerate frost, so wait until the weather is warm and wet. Check out our planting calendar to find out when to plant tomatoes in your area. If you are starting tomatoes from seed, plant them indoors six weeks before the last expected frost date in your area.

Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep in small trays. Plant the seeds outdoors about 2 weeks after this date or when the temperature is around 50 degrees, day or night. Check out our complete guide to growing tomatoes indoors. If you have a long growing season, it is possible to sow tomatoes directly into the garden soil (1/2 inch deep), but not until the soil is at least 55°F. Note that below 70°F is ideal for. maximum germination in 5 days.

Tomato Nutrition Facts

Tomatoes are low in calories and provide essential nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. They are also rich in antioxidants – called lycopene, which is responsible for the quality of tomatoes, associated with many benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

How to choose fresh tomatoes?

Commercial tomatoes are usually harvested when they are still green and then left to ripen under legal conditions. However, tomatoes only grow when they are still on the vine. Once picked, tomatoes stop accumulating sugars, acids and odors. In other words, the flavor of the green tomato remains intact as it is picked, even if the skin is ripe.

For the best flavor, use tomatoes that are picked straight off the plant in a tomato sauce the day you’re going to pick them up. When you buy fresh tomatoes for cooking, apply the “smell test” and you will find out the quality of the fruit.

Health benefits of tomato

It is good for eye diseases

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, thus preventing eye diseases such as night blindness. In boiled water, tomato leaves are a good eye tonic. It heals the optic nerve, thus curing many eye problems.

Can promote blood clotting and wound healing

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin K which is important for blood clotting and wound healing. There is also growing evidence that vitamin K can also benefit bone and heart health.

The NHS recommends 1 mcg of vitamin K per kilogram of body weight, and most people should be able to get this by eating a varied and balanced diet.

It is good for lung diseases

People with any type of lung disease should take a glass of fresh tomato juice mixed with honey, a pinch of cardamom powder and 3 cloves of garlic in it.

It increases the body’s resistance and reduces any type of lung disease.

Can promote healthy skin

Carotenoids in plants, including tomatoes, may help prevent UV damage in humans. A 2006 study found that after a 10-12 week study, there was a reduction in cognitive function due to increased dietary carotenoids. However, that does not mean that you will not burn if you eat a lot of tomatoes – it is still important to follow the guidelines and sun protection to avoid UV damage.

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